It's time for a--
This time around it's my new YA fantasy/adventure, APRIL, MAYBE JUNE. I'm giving away three free copies! (Assuming I get three or more comments, that is. *tap tap* Is this thing on?) I'll be doing this once a week for a while, for different novels.
If you'd like to win a free copy of APRIL, MAYBE JUNE, leave a comment with your contact information (this can be your e-mail in a cryptic format, such as ladiva AT gmail). Comment by next Tuesday, September 25th.
I'd like to hear commentary on the current state of publishing. You can say anything you like in the comment, as long as it's nice. Let's play nice (unlike the rest of the net, politics-infested as it is.
The winners will be chosen randomly from the commenters by random drawing. If I only get three comments, then you'll all WIN! You're already winners, you know--in all sorts of other ways. Thanks for reading.
I'm really interested in hearing from readers. Let me know your thoughts on the new Bounty o' Books that is out there, much of it for free on e-readers. Are we better off than we were a couple of years ago, or not? LOL